The CEOE Foundation and CaixaBank Dualiza analyse, together with Foment del Treball and CEN, the changes in professional profiles in Catalonia and Navarre
The CEOE Foundation and CaixaBank Dualiza analysed the changes in professional profiles between now and 2030 in both Catalonia and Navarre at two events organised with Foment del Treball and the Confederación Empresarial Navarra (CEN), held in November 2022 and at the end of January of this year, respectively.
At the events, discussions were focused on the evolution that some of the main sectors of the economy will undergo and how this will affect the workers who are currently in the market or will join it in the coming years. A market in which, according to, almost 10 million job opportunities will be created during this decade.
These events, which are being held in different parts of Spain in conjunction with CEOE’s regional organisations and CaixaBank’s regional offices, are based on a study prepared by CaixaBank Dualiza in collaboration with the CEOE Foundation. This study suggests a future marked by the evolution of current professions rather than the emergence of new ones. It predicts that the future production model will see a change in the relationship between people and their jobs through the impact of digitalization on how work is organized, and by the arrival of hybrid profiles, with broader generic knowledge, more specialization, greater ability to manage specialized information and greater responsibility when it comes to making decisions.
The president of the CEOE Foundation, Fátima Báñez, stressed the importance of studies such as this onefor companies, as they allow them to understand the state of their main tool for competing: talent. “Companies are a fundamental institution in Spanish society. They are part of the solution now and in the future: 8 out of 10 jobs originate in companies and they create 50% of social wealth each year. To take them into account is to contribute to the welfare of society”, she pointed out.
The director of CaixaBank Dualiza, Paula San Luis, highlighted that “CaixaBank Dualiza’s intention in promoting this type of study is to provide data that allows for decision making based on figures, in other words, the promotion of action-oriented knowledge that serves to improve all those things that need to be improved in our vocational training and to promote, even more, those that are performing well”